We survived Term 1!


Yay! We made it through term 1 of school, and it’s time to take a break. I’ve been looking forward to this week, when I can finally wake up at 7am, instead of the usual 5am routine.

I’m happy to report that all is going well in school, despite my initial worries. From waking up every morning at 5.30am, to completing her school work, to making new friends, C has coped marvellously well so far. In class, each of the students are given responsibilities, and she was proud to report that she was made the English rep of her class. I was amused to see her eyes shining as she told me how she helped to collect and carry the books during English class, and she wore the English rep badge with pride (I’m reminded that she has to wear the badge everyday and it must be in the correct place just above her name tag).

Of course, not everything was perfect. C had to learn how to stand-up for herself against bullies, taking responsibility when she forgot to hand in her work, handling disputes among friends. It was part of growing up, when she learnt that mummy will not always be around to handle unpleasant events.

To be truthful, I was very concerned about bullying, and was shocked to hear her saying that “someone was mean to her in school and threatened to throw her water-bottle away”. It took me a lot of self-restraint not to overreact, and to stay calm while we talked the incident through. It ended happily though, and she was able to resolve it by herself (the girls are best friends now!). That first incident gave her the courage to stand up against bullies on the school bus, to defend herself and a friend against the older girl (proud mum moment :)) It was certainly a reminder to myself to step aside and let her learn, instead of taking matters into my own hands.

Now that we’ve survived term one, it’s time to celebrate 😉 We will be bringing the kids out to have some fun. Have a great week ahead everyone!

4 thoughts on “We survived Term 1!

  1. sobia


    I am writing to you to ask for permission to cross post ur articles on shichida and right brain training on my blog. I would show a few lines of your article with a reference back to ur original post.

    My website will also hav a section on blog aggregator where i’d like to post ur RSS as well.

    I am a mom in Pakistan and m about to start a blog on parenting and right brain training at home. In our part of world we dont have any right brain training awareness or any institute for that matter. Therefore, I hav decided to start a new site to show my endeavors towards training my 19 months daughter and to spread the awareness.

    Thank you,

    1. mummyshymz Post author

      Hi Sobia,
      Thanks for coming by my blog 🙂 Sure, pls go ahead to cross post!
      Have a good day, and all the best in the right brain training! Looking forward to your posts!

  2. sobia


    I am writing to you to ask for permission to cross post ur articles on shichida and right brain training on my blog. I would show a few lines of your article with a reference back to ur original post.

    My website will also hav a section on blog aggregator where i’d like to post ur RSS as well.

    I am a mom in Pakistan and m about to start a blog on parenting and right brain training at home. In our part of world we dont have any right brain training awareness or any institute for that matter. Therefore, I hav decided to start a new site to show my endeavors towards training my 19 months daughter and to spread the awareness.

    Thank you,


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