Book review: White is for Blueberry by George Shannon

While searching for David Shannon’s book “No, David!” at the library, I chanced upon this book by George Shannon. The title, White is for Blueberry, immediately caught my attention. White is for blueberry? Hmm….white_isfor_blueberry Flipping to the first page, I was struck by the first statement. Pink is for crow? Well, obviously the crow was black…

Pink is for Crow

Pink is for Crow

… until I turned the page to reveal newly-hatched crow chicks. white_is_for_blueberries2.jpg George Shannon continued to challenge our preconceptions of what colours each item should be. When are blueberries white?

White is for blueberries

White is for blueberries

When they are still blossoms of course! white_is_for_blueberries4.jpg C’s review
When we read the book together, she was first amused by the title, then intrigued as we turned the pages. “Whoever thought that there were pink crows?!” We had fun thinking about how sweet potatoes could be brown and when the leaves were red.

G’s review
He was too young to know about the associations of colours to various objects, but he enjoyed pointing out the colours and naming the objects in the pictures nonetheless.

My review
I loved the simplicity of this picture book, with the words in simple black print, except for the colour-coordinated word in large capital letters. Illustrations were simple but vibrantly coloured, framed in the corresponding colour. It certainly encouraged me to view things from a different perspective!

An interesting and creative book. Highly recommended!

So… when is firelight blue?

Guess when the flame is blue?

Guess when the flame is blue?

7 thoughts on “Book review: White is for Blueberry by George Shannon

  1. Zee

    Wow this book is interesting even for adults! In fact, it’s appropriate for adults since we already have pre-conceived notions about most things. Like you said, it challenges us to think out of the box. Love the simple but interesting concept behind this book! I actually cannot think of an answer to your question! Matches? Lighter? Do share the answer sometime!

    1. mummyshymz Post author

      Yes. I think it’s a refreshing change from the usual concept books 🙂
      Haha… It’s blue near the tip of the candlewick (look close the next time you light a candle) 😉

  2. booklovinggrandma

    This definitely sounds like a must-have book! I’ve also had the experience of discovering a gem when looking for something else. Thank you for sharing it and for liking my post.


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