A letter to 8-year old C

<This started as letter to C for her 8th birthday, and for some reason, it was not posted.> 

Dear C,

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye you’ve turned 8. Ever since you’ve started primary school, the clock hands seemed to turn even faster. It’s a mad rush everyday… 5am mornings, homework, music practice, bedtime. With all the activities going on, it’s easy to miss how quickly my little girl has grown.

The change was gradual… then one day, you complained that your uniform was getting too short and you couldn’t fit in most of your pants(!) It was then that I realized that it had been quite a while since I had restocked your wardrobe. I guess that subconsciously, to me, you always remained that little girl who fit into the smallest sized uniform. 

Then, there was the day when you came up to me, proudly showing off your neatly tied ponytail (you had practiced for days by yourself).

I teared. My little girl had grown up. 

You still believe in magic, but I’m starting to sense some skepticism about the existence of a tooth fairy (“Why does she have the same handwriting as you, mummy?”). You used to say that everyone is your friend, but now in our daily chats about school and friends, the word “enemy” has popped up. You ask about world affairs, and have found that google is a way to learn new things. You’ve started the habit of keeping a diary (“a real diary, mummy, no one else is supposed to read it.”) We discuss my work at the office.

I’m trying to cope with the changes. On some days, it certainly feels like you are eight-turning-eighteen.

Yet, with all these changes, you remain a pure-hearted, generous, kind-hearted soul. Your tenacity and perseverance never fails to amaze me. I hope these qualities will remain constants as you continue to bloom.

I’ll always be proud of you, my dear daughter.

With lots of love,


8-year old C



2 thoughts on “A letter to 8-year old C

  1. mel mummy

    Thank you for generously sharing on your journey of learning with you kids.. I really enjoyed reading and inspired by your experiences.. am contemplating which enrichment courses for my 15months toddler.. a 1st time mum and a ftwm.. wanted to give my daughter a leg up and am also also concerned about the cost.. the joys of bringing up a daughter is immeasurable 🙂

    1. mummyshymz Post author

      Thanks mel mummy! I fully understand how you feel, especially as a first time, working mum. Enjoy the process! All lot of the activities can be tweaked to do at home, without paying a bomb (lots of information on the web) your daughter will benefit from lots of bonding/reading time too!
      Enjoy your learning journey! 😉


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